I’ve spent some time and I’ve finally moved my blog to a new host, and it’s also behind a Cloudflare. It took me a while so I apologise for the site being unavailable at times.
This is a very quick post to say that it has moved and if something is not working right then please let me know.
For those interested, I used to host my blog in AWS Lightsail, and although the $5 or so a month is not a huge sum of money, I prefer $0! I’ve moved it to Oracle Cloud using their forever free tier, you can read more about it here: https://www.oracle.com/uk/cloud/free/
Further to that, I took some time to move it behind Cloudfare’s CDN, the result being that the site should work faster for visitors. I hope the change provides an improved experience for those using the site.
Again, please let me know if there are any issues.